Tuesday, March 28, 2006

GDrive - google drive

Googles GDrive is no longer a rumor. GDrive is on its way and soon me like many others will be uploading/backing up my whole hard drive in case of a HD crash.

But there are some points to ponder:
  1. How does google wish to implement it.. do we need to install some google application.. will there be a web based interface.
  2. Is GDrive is simply going to be a network share allowing most applications to take advantage of this service without modification?
  3. Can I really really upload my whole harddrive (all 160 GB)?!?! How long is it going to take to do that?!?!
  4. Do i have to pay anything in order to get the service??
  5. Can i trust google with my files?
  6. Do i need to create a new account for it or my existing gmail account will work?
  7. Can i allow other people to access my GDrive.
  8. I wonder how Google will monetize a service like this??

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