Amorphophallus titanum is the largest flowering plant in the world. The common name is "Titan" because it grows so big. Another name is "Mr. Stinky" because when it blooms it emits an odor which exactly mimics those of rotting flesh. This putrid order attracts carrion beetles that pollinate the flower.

Titan Tips
· First discovered in 1878 in Sumatra, Indonesia.
· Considered to be the most spectacular bloom in the plant world.
· The Titan is the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world and can be taller than a man.
· A mature bloom could ultimately measure 7-12 feet in height.
· A mature leaf could measure 20 feet in height and 15 feet in diameter.
· Mature plant releases powerful waves of odor to attract pollinators.
· Amorphophallus means "shapeless phallus."
· The bloom will last only 2-3 days. After blooming the flower collapses.
· The "stinking" odor lasts only the first 8 hours the bloom is open.
More: http://www.fairchildgarden.org/blooms/amorphophallus01.html
your bolg is like an encyclopaedia~~~interesting~
hehe... :D
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